Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

How to Change an Air Conditioning Filter on a 08 Toyota Tacoma

How to Change an Air Conditioning Filter on a 08 Toyota Tacoma

How to Change an Air Conditioning Filter on a 08 Toyota Tacomathumbnail
Driving in heavy traffic will shorten the life of the filter.

The 2008 Toyota Tacoma is equipped with an air-conditioning system filter that keeps dust and allergens out of the passenger compartment. Toyota recommends replacing the filter once every 10,000 miles or every 12 months. Some driving conditions will cause the filter to become dirty more quickly, including heavy traffic driving and frequent driving on dirt roads. A clean air-conditioning system filter will improve air flow in the heating and air-conditioning system and will help increase the circulation of clean air in the passenger cabin.



things you'll need:

  • New air conditioning filter
    • 1

      Open the glove compartment. Push both sides of the open glove compartment in toward the middle to unlock the compartment from the dash. Rotate the glove compartment down toward the floor of the Tacoma.

    • 2

      Lift up on the two levers along the top edge of the filter cover. Pull the filter cover toward you to remove it.

    • 3

      Slide the existing filter toward the rear of the Tacoma to remove it from the filter bay.

    • 4

      Insert the new filter into the filter bay. Make sure the "Up" arrow printed on the side of the filter is pointing toward the ceiling of the truck.

    • 5

      Replace the filter cover. Press on the cover until the two levers along the top of the cover snap into place.

    • 6

      Push in on both sides of the glove compartment and rotate it back into its normal position.

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